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Threerena - This game was made in 48 hours for the 5th Aula Arcade Game Jam and was also uploaded for the Ludum Dare 41 Jam being on the same weekend.


The game was made by me as artist and 2 friends, which portfolios you can find in the credits.


The results in the Ludum Dare Jam were surprisely amazing, since it was our first game published.

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Minuit's Downfall - This game was made in 48 hours for the Familiar Game Jam X

Link to the Post:

The game was made by me as artist and 3 friends, which portfolios you can find in the credits.

ZombieWave - This game was made entirely by me. It was a class project, so it's not very polished and some of the resources, as the sound, are taken from another games as Minecraft or Plants VS Zombies.


SlimeParade - This game was made in 72 hours for the 43rd LudumDare GameJam. The results in this GameJam were even more amazing than the last Ludum Dare.

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